Welcome to my photography blog. : )
Thank you for visiting :D
This will actually be my 3rd online blog, yet my 1st one that I am actually allowing the public to see.
I love journaling a lot, but mostly it gets pretty personal.
I love expressing my feelings and writing down my experiences to read later on in life.
I like doing them online because I tend to have...ahh...computer problems hahahaha.
Ahhhh it isn't fair, sometimes I am "death to electronics" as my family says.
Yet, how can I manage photography? And possibly work at a camera store?
Hahahaha, who knows.
Anyway, right now I am currently 20 years old and it is summer.
I have a job at Michaels arts and craft store, yet am trying REALLY hard to get a job at The Shutterbug, the camera store : ) that would be nice since I am saving up to buy a Canon T1i Rebel : )
I hope to get the job.
My interview went extremely well. Who knows!
Until then, I have Michaels, which I absolutely love working there hahaha. Somehow.
I will be having baby pictures up soon, for my cousin who I am very close with is having a baby VERY soon : ) I cannot wait! He will be beautiful.
Anyway I will hold off on posting pictures for now, I am tired and would like to go read. But soon.
As in tomorrow most likely : )
I do have quite a few pictures. Yay! I am very excited to share them :D
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