Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Environment : )

These are some landscape pictures that I have taken over the past month. They are mostly in Eugene, Detroit Lake, and various places around Tigard/Portland : )
Landscape is one of my favorites also. I love it.
I want to travel the country next summer to take amazing photographs. I hope it works out.

More Pictures

Alright, having problems, I worked really hard to get all of these pictures on here....then it deleted half of them. Which is annoying but you know if I was really professional, I would pay for a real site. But alas, I am poor. Sigh. Oh well.
Here are pictures of Cara, who is also one of my really good friends. She is awesome to photograph too. I am lucky to have such photogenic friends! : )
We took these at the Keller fountains and in SE Portland on some railroad tracks.
I have a strong feeling you will see many photos in the future with the location being Keller Fountains : )
Also, railroad tracks.

Pictures, Finally!

Alright, here are some pictures finally.
There are going to be a lot, I really wanted to put all of these on....

Here we go!

The first set is on of my really good friends Alexa. Her and I just took these a few days ago around SW Portland. Mostly at the PSU common area and the Keller Fountains. Great locations, lots of water pictures. I love taking pictures of people near water or fountains. It really brings out skin tone and eyes in my opinion. Plus I love water, and it is calming and peaceful to me, even in downtown Portland haha.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Exciting News!

Just found out today that
1, my friend Mike Chapman wants me to photograph his lighting design portfolio. which is awesome. That means I will not only be gaining more experience, but ALSO the show just happens to be LES MISERABLES : )
One of my faaaaavorites. YES!
2, he also told me that when he was asking around, people highly recommended me as a photographer, WHICH IS GREAT. He said he got a few names, but mine was about 14 above the others!!

If you know me, you know how exciting this is for me. Not only is it experience, but it is also more for my portfolio, and its paid. This is great. I really am getting my name out there! Which is exactly what I want and need. I really love this hobby, and now for me, I am working on not just letting it be a hobby, but possibly some what of a career. I cannot wait.

My future looks great right now. : )

Now, if only I could get that job at The Shutterbug.... : )

Who knows!


PS: I am in the process of gathering photos to put on here. : )

Dear Viewers : )

Welcome to my photography blog. : )
Thank you for visiting :D
This will actually be my 3rd online blog, yet my 1st one that I am actually allowing the public to see.
I love journaling a lot, but mostly it gets pretty personal.
I love expressing my feelings and writing down my experiences to read later on in life.
I like doing them online because I tend to have...ahh...computer problems hahahaha.
Ahhhh it isn't fair, sometimes I am "death to electronics" as my family says.
Yet, how can I manage photography? And possibly work at a camera store?
Hahahaha, who knows.
Anyway, right now I am currently 20 years old and it is summer.
I have a job at Michaels arts and craft store, yet am trying REALLY hard to get a job at The Shutterbug, the camera store : ) that would be nice since I am saving up to buy a Canon T1i Rebel : )
I hope to get the job.
My interview went extremely well. Who knows!
Until then, I have Michaels, which I absolutely love working there hahaha. Somehow.
I will be having baby pictures up soon, for my cousin who I am very close with is having a baby VERY soon : ) I cannot wait! He will be beautiful.
Anyway I will hold off on posting pictures for now, I am tired and would like to go read. But soon.
As in tomorrow most likely : )
I do have quite a few pictures. Yay! I am very excited to share them :D
